Friday, 2016 November 11 at 17:21 Posted by A COZINHA DOS QUILOMBOS News




  • 150 liters of sugarcane juice
  • 15 liters (measured in the bucket) of grated green papaya


Put the strained syrup in a pan, "over time boiling and the fire will go out, go out and the molasses will stay, then sank the pot, put more sugarcane juice there, refills, soon it will get to the molasses again. "While the juice" clears ", take the foam with a large slotted spoon with some frequency, so by controlling the boiling juice to not overflow. Grate, wash, dry and add the green papaya. When it's ready*, take from the heat and continue whisking to cool (if it is too hot to put in a pan, it will not get hard) and put in the baking pan of wooden divided
by wood sliver giving the mold of molasses into square bars of about 7cm.

* It is ready when it seens in a mug with cold water where it puts a bit of brown sugar: "if it gets hard in the water, it forms a candy, it is ready”